How to Sew an Elastic Band on Pants
This is a tutorial for adding an elastic waistband to pants that are already commercially finished. If you are making your own pants, there are easier ways to add elastic.
These are Grey’s Anatomy brand scrub pants. A friend asked me to add elastic to them because she previously wore scrubs with an elastic waistband, and they were much easier for her to wear at work. I would have to agree with her, elastic is convenient and comfortable. I love to sew with it. I almost never make pants or skirts without elastic! This is an easy project as long as you have a little bit of sewing experience and the right tools.
What you will need for this project:
- Soft Waistband Elastic – I used 1.5 inch wide.
- Thread – In a color similar to your project.
- Sewing Machine – Needs to have zig zag stitch capabilities. Most machines do. Needle size 90/14 recommended.
- Seam Ripper – If you need to remove belt loops or other stitching to clear your sewing path.
- Tailor’s Measuring Tape
- Fabric Scissors
- Sewing Pins

Prepare your Pants
If your pants have a drawstring and belt loops, the first step will be to remove these. This will make machine sewing possible. We will rethread the drawstring later. Optional: Tack the button fly closed. I will be leaving mine open and sewing as close as possible to it.

Measure Your Elastic
Measure your waist and then cut the elastic 3 inches smaller than your measurement. You will want the elastic to be 3 inches smaller because it will stretch as you sew. Trust me, it will.

Sew Your Elastic in a Loop
Sew the ends of the elastic together so that you have a loop. Use a wide zig zag stitch and sew forward and reverse several times. For medium duty elastic, needle size 90/14 is recommended.

Pin the Loop to Your Pants
Take one pin and find the opposite point from where you sewed the loop closed, and place the first pin. Place two more pins on the exact opposite sides. Now you have four equal parts to your loop and you will use these pins to guide you.

Pin the elastic loop to the pants. Pin the back first. I like the place where I stitched my loop to be right over the tag. Now pin the front and sides, making sure there is equal slack between pins. Then, add an additional four pins equal distance between the first pins.

The more pins you use, the better your project will turn out. (I used 17 pins.) Remember to try to keep equal slack of the pant’s fabric between each pin.

Sew the Elastic Band to Your Pants
We will be using a wide zigzag stitch to sew the elastic to the pants. As you sew, stretch the elastic so that it is equal to the pants fabric.

When you have completed sewing the top of the loop to the pants, it is time to sew the bottom. Re-pin as needed (4-8 pins will do this time) and sew the bottom of the elastic to the pants.

Rethread Your Drawstring (if necessary)
Rethread the string. I use this drawstring threader that my grandmother gave me.
Click here for a link to a similar tool.

Enjoy the Convenience and Comfort of Elastic
Your pants are now ready to go! Congratulations!

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