• Gardening

    Sweet Basil

    Sweet Basil is my absolute favorite thing in the garden. It smells wonderful, and grows prolifically in the hot, dry climate of Central California. I love to use fresh basil in hummus, pesto, and soups. Check out this recipe for hummus made with basil and artichoke. Growing Basil from Seed  It is easy to grow basil from seed. It germinates within a week, but takes a few months to get big enough to start harvesting. For this reason, it may be best to start seedlings indoor and then transplant to the garden once it’s warm enough. Transplanting Basil Basil does well transplanted. Often, store bought potted basil will have several…

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  • Gardening


    Oregano is a Mediterranean herb with small velvety leaves on long skinny stems. It is draught tolerate and grows well in the hot and dry climate of the California central valley. It can be used fresh or dried. It’s most commonly used as a dried herb in pizza and spaghetti sauces. Dried oregano can also be steeped into a tea; the strong flavor and aroma can clear sinuses and lift spirits. My favorite way to use oregano is fresh in a pesto sauce. My Oregano Pesto Recipe Harvesting Oregano Oregano is best harvested in the spring before it flowers. All you need is garden shears. Bunch the oregano together and cut…